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The U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade two years ago has affected women’s contraceptive use for the worse, new research suggests. The study ...


The United States announced it is banning the sale of antivirus software from the Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs on Thursday, according to a ...


No more Fortnite Twitch streams on butts. I said what I said. If you're out of the loop on all things Twitch, there's a trend going around of streamers ...


China has introduced guidelines that bar the the use of US processors from AMD and Intel in government computers and servers, The Financial Times has ...


The biggest story this week was TikTok and the US government going at it again, with the house voting in favor of a bill that could force TikTok's parent ...


It’s going to be a little harder to find porn in the Lone Star State. Pornhub is no longer available to Texas residents thanks to a lawsuit from the state’s ...


Russian authorities have begun to ban government employees from using Apple devices for official state use, according to the . As of Monday, the country’s ...
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